On Sunday we did a gig to raise funds for Amnesty International. It was held in our local area of Doncaster, at the Doncaster Unitarian and Free Christian Church.
Since the title of the gig was "The Sacred and The Sensual", we threw in a few songs with a gospel feel or spiritually themed lyrics, like "Hallelujah" from Shrek, "Wade In the Water", and "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison. It was mostly covers, with a couple of our own original songs thrown in.
The audience seemed to love us and it was the only gig either of us have ever done where we got a standing ovation! After us, "Doncaster's premier diva" Jo Copley and her talented keyboard-playing husband Basil Copley entertained the crowd with some contemporary numbers and a bit of jazz.
It was a lovely appreciative audience and I'm sure we'll all be doing more gigs there in the future.